

Life kindda goes on and in kinnda a good way too. But don't worry, I'll fuck that up, too.
I need this guy to ask me out (i don't know his name yet, but i'm gonna do it, oh yeah, how could he resist my charms anyway?) for a wine or something, god I need that.

I just watched the second season of skins, and I can say nothing but I am Cassie, apart from the fact that I would never ever stop eating, I'm just too, I don't know, loving it. But the rest - moving to New York, running away, thoughtful things to say, and when falling in love falling really really deeply not just knee-high like most people, but there is not only no part of me (or Cassie) visible, but drowning in the lake of love as well - is who I am too.

I won the snooker game as well. I think B's brother, O has a thing for me, it's not good, not good at all, because in order not to break his heart I will be with him forever.