
queen of the night

I got this cute bracelet from my brother with my name on it, it's the cutest thing I ever got form him.

I just read that it's a fact that we're all made from stardust. Isn't that the best news you've ever heard? It makes me think "we're more poetic than ever".
I need to get myself a set of Sylvia Plath poems. I think she was me.

My life is currently on a roundabout, and my it's like a lost drunk-driver or a indecisive grandfather, who's driving in the car with his grandkids and doesn't want them to be killed by turning the wrong way on that roundabout. I need to get out of this routine, I'd like to feel love squeezing my chest like crazy once again.
I want to feel the stupidity of love, like when you say something stupid to the person you could love and you moan all day and tell your friends how stupid you were and then you meet the person to find that he's still interested in you.

Then again I'm not so up for it. Why? Because I think that if you want something and you look for it everywhere, you're not going to find it. I want to stumble upon love, say 'hi' and leave cause I felt nothing special. Than meet love again and find out that he too supports fc barcelona, that's where you develop a kind of liking for love and then you meet love for another time and you're both drunk and you kiss and you find out you were in love with him from the very time you saw him.

I want to dance with one hand in your hand and with another one smoking a cigarette. And I want to talk about life-changing moments and poetry. I want us to fall on the dirty ground laughing and not-caring.

I want that grandfather to take a risk.