
Ready to Start

Here you have my watch, telling me I'm late for my meeting with W.
Cause see, I've moved from my hometown 2 weeks ago at the age of sixteen. I live with K and we drink beer as fast as we can everyday and tell each other our secrets and eat cereals.

This weekend I realised something - that since my 'habitat' became different from my friends' we drifted apart a lot. I meet them and they tell me stuff about what life is like here. And somehow all this doesn't interest my no more. It's sad but true - we no longer share our lives. I'm indifferent to what they tell me about others. They are like strangers I've never met before and I see no reason for me to care about them.

Besides. There's this guy in my class. He keeps on looking at me and smiling. His name's A. A few days ago I started looking back at him. And so we look at each other, say nothing, our relationship consists only of glances. And what I think is: what's wrong with a small infatuation? We're not going to be together, I'm not going to let that happen for sure, I haven't lost my mind yet, but I think being friends + kissing is pretty reasonable. And at some point it's going to end like that. But for now we have are secret glances.

Oh and I can't stop thinking about L. His name in all over the backs of my notebooks, I can't control it. My hand is writing L on his own. All it needs is a pen and some paper and she's off...